20 June 2014

Let me Loose

The lush and it’s pleasure
your gentle touch and
spoken words,
so beautiful beyond measure
you priceless creature.
Nothing pure by nature
but so is this I had to nurture.
Ten million colors
for one man of valor
awakening to the crippling miasma,
of midnight at dawn
seeing you become vapor.
His timeless piece
and nothing was more more.
Let me loose
for If he loved you, we’ll never know.
We’ll run and keep running,
like the rainfall
the very first morning.
What he’ll never know
are rolling days of your mourning
and how forever meant nothing.
Drifting rafts towards happiness
the morning clouds
following nights of endless bitterness,
one last sunny smile
with a feather light kiss,
Only if I could
one more time I'll be your mousse
for that's a goodbye he really meant.
let him loose,
let me loose.
