22 July 2010


Through your eyes
I've seen this beautiful world of mine
you're gone,
now all I am is blind.
I guess they were right,
"if it were never yours
it never will be,
they'll love you for a day
and tomorrow
those words that healed your sorrows
forgotten by the mouth that spake 'em."
And sure it seems like they did,
did forget how they kissed my lips
and it tasted like roses
how they bit my ears and licked my navel
and said words that made me marvel,
all the things I shouldn't have given
but I did
For I thought it was beautifully being taken.
seems like they forgot how
they'd lay my head on their thigh
stroke my chest and make me feel high
and I still almost forgetting
they weren't really mine
some reality I'd wish to deny
but the truth is, I never stole what wasn't mine.
The one to whom I still wouldn't lie
about how much I dream of the nights
we stared the world in its eye
by the beach beneath the starry sky.
About How much I want a hug or a kiss
one last time-that my troubled heart may live in bliss,
How I long for your touch
that fills me with hope
that in this tiresome world my heart may cope
but all you ever do to each moment I try
to make your friendship still mine
you put 'em aside, like ageing wine
when for your heart I dare not ask
as we both know that aint rightfully mine
but if it's worth having its worth fighting for.
I feel like behind a mask you hide,
talking to you,
feels more awkward than chewing dry hide
and why in a distance beyond miles
from everything about me
you've chosen to reside
with these thoughts I still can't abide
when in this life or the next
I wish no eveil upon you
one truth we both know.
Somehow I know,
I know you've got life
and surviving through its strife
but I hate to assume
you too quickly healed
but if you did, however you did
pls let me know,
that I may hope
and not at my walls in sadness mope
that I may have strength
and not in my weakness mellow and nest
that I may smile
if I never thought of you for a mile
that like you, I be free and healed.
Otherwise, I,
I shed a tear before going to bed
and whisper sweet words to the air
and hope that you've heard
and forgiven my every offend
because if I am wrong
I don't want to pretend
I just want dim lit candles
and laying beside you in bed.


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