1 December 2012

You are so "Phy-ne"

You are so phy-ne,
it's beyond completion
more in the realm of perfection.
Your beauty; mind, body and soul-
has a predilection,
towards the attraction-Of,
things of a positive nature
I like how you are cultured;
like your walk, talk and actions.
Your life's direction,
a sophisticated culture.
Desire for the finest
yet unselfish and simplistic.
Through your eyes,
my thoughts are in perfect realism,
a kaleidoscope framed in euphoria,
great hedonia,
I'm dissociated from the realistic,
lost in a world gated by your lipstick.
Im a biscuit
or better still a dipstick,
dying to be dipped in the-
endless flavours of your innumerable colours,
wild cherry odours
watch me race though those doors,
leave them ajar
we drive free and far
Just you and I.
'Cos I like who we are
sunk in love with the thoughts-
of what we can become;
like an item; better, best and beyond it-
Imagine what we'd create
laying within a four poster
Lawd such fine fruits from such beautiful roots-you,
Looks are a complimentary shade,
I like that you care about it
But are not all about it
Love that you walk tall with shoulders high
Not a single sigh
Not an element of pride.
Yeah, I'm Missing that smile
That fuels my daily miles

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