7 September 2018


Sun kissed skin
exotic like Ranunculus
fine as soot;
I’m amazed by your charm.
Daily sliver of sooth
you soothe my soul
beautiful pink Magnolia,
my good luck charm.
The friend of my heart
and wind beneath my wings
I hope you always know;
you’re a very perfect gift.

Fimiṣola- Samuel
6 Sep 2017

16 January 2018

Love letters

If Valentines are the equivalent of a gentle rain, love letters have all the power and unpredictability of a tropical storm
- Jennifer Williams.

So let me take it from the T,
and write you a letter that would tinge your spine the colour of Eros
as I run my fingers through the thick curls of your tousled crown;
Primrose, Jasmine and English marigold.
I dream;
just to lay with you, each and everyday,
even until we grow old.

Shh...I'm so in love with you, there is neither describing nor defining it.
The thought of life with you;
the fun of it all, with you in whom I've found the one; arrgh..., mesmerising.
Hmmn...Touch me,
Cos with you, perfect is today, tomorrow and always.

Hold your breath gentle one.
Wrap your hands around you, yes you.
My drug, the perfect high.
Celestial drops of honeydew,
the spice of sauvignon rouge
the breathy vibrato of champagne
the joy of losing myself in you,
culminating into the fresh of moscato;
It is peace like riesling.
Creating we in the mix,
bearing perfect ideas through life's beautiful helix;
she has your nose and he my hands.

The euphoria, just sitting before my textbooks
my ears listening to the sound of your kiss
as your hands lift my cheeks
a beautiful phantasmagoria no money can buy.
I can't help smiling;
I have found my way.
The friend of my heart
whose love sees past the safety of my front
reaching behind the walls of my flaws
intruigued by my imperfect love
before whom I'm naked; truth, unafraid.
Madame allure, you're so damn riveting.

18 Feb 2018